Happy Birthday JT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John Taylor, Duran DuranJohn Taylor (Duran Duran) JohnDuran Duran Live @ The ACCJohn Taylor (Duran Duran) JohnJohn Taylor (Duran Duran)...♥John Taylor (Duran Duran) John      Happy Birthday John Taylor!

No, I haven’t lost my mind. I was a teenager in the early 80’s. At the height of my hormones changing when I turned on my radio and heard Hungry Like the Wolf. I was immediately hooked and went and bought the album (some of you will remember our beloved vinyl records) the next day.

That turned into a life long love for Duran Duran. There are so many memories attached to this band. I met so many friends, brought together because we listened to them. I met my friend John in 11th grade because he was wearing DD buttons on his jacket in the lunch line.

We had DD themed pajama parties and celebrated the members birthdays. My friends and I slept in a car over night in the dead of winter to get tickets to one of their shows.

My first concert at the age of 15 was DD. My best friend’s dad took us and the next day at school we had no voices because we had screamed so loud the night before.

It was the dawn of MTV…(For those who don’t know- MTV used to play nothing but music videos-not the crap they have on now) Those first DD videos were like mini-movies, shot in exotic locations. They were the end all be all of my youth and started my love for music) The last “Boy band” to play their own instruments. Though I only use the term “boy band” because of the female following they had. Every girl wanted to marry one of them, every boy SECRETLY wanted to be them even if they’d never fess up to it. They were sophisticated for their young age, more mature. They were into art and Andy Warhol, James Bond and that type of life. It was so different from what I was used to in the United States. That kind of life was mysterious and intriguing to a teenager and I wanted nothing more than to move to London when I grew up and marry a proper Englishman. I was fascinated with everything English. They were so different than we were. Even wealthy Americans were and I think still are rougher-maybe because of the history of the country. I’m not sure….but I’m still intrigued by the place and my daughter has caught the bug and talks about moving to London now…lol…Maybe it’s just in our blood.

I’m so damn happy I was too old by the time New Kids on the Block came around and all the others after it. Okay I’ll give it up to Justin Timberlake because he is sooo kool…hot…sweet…let’s face it, he grew up into a fine male and his solo music is fabulous!

We all had our favorites and mine was John. Tall, slim, that square jaw and brown eyes. I’m swooning here just thinking about it. Even today after I’ve grown older I find him just as sexy and as attractive maybe even more.

Everyone had there one perfect, ideal I’d do them/run off with them no matter when or where and for me it’s always been and always will be the original JT.

I will always see DD when they come to town. Always buy their new music. Always watch their videos with the same excitement as I did when I was young. I used to write about meeting them. My first foray into writing love stories I suppose…lol.

I will always feel like I’m transported back to 1984, at Cobo Arena in Detroit, in the upper balcony with Tina by my side, screaming so loud that I lose my voice. JT and the band remind me of the best times in my life, where anything was possible. The realities of the world seemed far away and if we wanted it bad enough, good things would happen as long as we believed.