A letter to friends, past, present and future!!!!!!!!!

   Friendship!!! We all have a need for friends. It’s coded into our very DNA. Whether it’s someone you met in school, someone you met at work or someone you may have met at any time of your life.

Love can come and go. It burns bright,then fizzles But a true friendship is irreplaceable. Think about it, you’re closet friends pretty much know everything about you. They welcome you with open arms whenever you’re happy or sad. Sometimes they offer a helping hand, whether it be advice on a situation, or blow to off steam, and sometimes just to be your soft place to land without judging you. 

To my friends of the past,

   I’ve had friends enter and exit my life over the years and even if our friendship ended on a sour note, I can look back fondly and remember all the good things and good times with them. I will always be here for old friends if they need me and that will never, ever change.

Some people ask me why I’d bother, if they aren’t in my life, it must be for a good reason. While that is true, it doesn’t mean I won’t be there to help or to talk to if the need should arise. A year ago my answer probably would have been different, but since the beginning of the year I’m trying to improve myself a little bit at a time.

Part of that improvement is for me to forgive. Forgive not only myself but others who’ve hurt me or I’ve hurt in the past. I made a great friend when I was in school. She and I were so close for so long, helping each other out when we were faced with a similar situation. We drifted apart over time and I do miss her but she’s doing her thing and she knows that if she needs me I will always be available to her.

  I think we tend to hold on to negative feelings because we are convinced that we were right. In a lot of cases that’s exactly what it is as far as your concerned. You’re hurt takes front and center and it’s all you can think about when you remember them.

   It takes a piece of you at a time. 2015, I’m getting my pieces back. At this point, I feel no ill will toward anyone and I intend to keep it that way. There are always wonderful experiences that will never go away. I’m trying to concentrate on the good and banish the bad. Though I still get sad now and then, I understand that life isn’t a fairytale and only something I write about.

To my friends of the present,

We’ve been a tight-knit group for 25+ years and I couldn’t be more grateful for you all. We’ve laughed together and cried together and experienced everything in between. We’ve been tested, sometimes for years but we always come back together, we have too much history to let our friendship go. We are better people when we talk or get together to just relax or to have some fun. With the exception of a past friend, these people know me better than anyone. We’ve seen each other through our darkest times and our greatest triumphs. They are proud of me and how far I’ve come.

I have to mention all the people I’ve met through my writing. The first is my writing partner VJ Summers. Though we haven’t written anything together in a while, we will continue the partnership that gave us the Worthington’s as well as some awards. After 7 years readers are still purchasing these books. The Worthington’s as well as Set in Stone is some of my best work and I couldn’t have done it without my writing partner, who inspires me to become better with each book.

  My readers who have been with me since the beginning. There are some who’ve gone from reader to friend and I’m lucky to have them in my life. They’re my biggest cheerleaders today 🙂 and they’ve kept me going when I thought about giving up writing forever in the last few years.  You’ve reminded me that what I write isn’t shit and to push myself to improve with every new story. I’ve had some misses early on in the self-publishing arena but I’m now being very thoughtful about what I write and how I write it.

When Anne Rice lost her husband, her muse for her character Lestat and said she wouldn’t write about the Vampires anymore. It took her a few years to pull things back together, do some soul-searching and delving into subject matter that wasn’t about Vampires and Witches. Now she’s back, back to the Vampires, back to Lestat. The place she was meant to be. She is another example of life coming full circle.

I would love to ask you, the readers about one thing. I have decided to branch out so to speak. By that I mean I want to write something other than erotic romance. I love paranormal books and I have plenty ideas but I want to make the romance a secondary plot point and not the main focus of the story. I’ve wanted to expand into that area but always pushed the desire to try something different aside and stick to what I know. I’ve finally conjured up the courage to give it a go and I’m lucky to have some great beta readers as well as hiring a really great editor to edit the books. Do you think it’s a good idea for an author to expand her genre’s?

To future friends,

I can promise it won’t be boring…lol. And I look forward to meeting you!

Thank you for touching my life in some form or fashion. I’ve learned a lot, even though I could have gone without some lessons, I hope to take the knowledge and continue to be a better mother, friend and author.

Much Love,


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